However, I did find time to get E-1 to Manchester in October for the Manchester Fire Prevention Parade (yes, the same parade I was trying to go to in 2007 when the engine blew!). Yes, we made it there, and through the parade. She was a little hard to start that morning, and she was skipping a lot, but I thought it was just some water in the gas giving me trouble. We got some dry gas on the way to the parade line-up, but that didn't seem to solve the problem at all. We got through the parade with a few backfires (which scared the crap out of me a everyone else) and parked in the parking lot at the end of the parade. But that's where it stayed, because we could not get the truck to stay running for the ride home. Ended up having the truck towed home to Raymond, and while trying to diagnose the issue and get the truck running to move it for storage, I fried the starter. So now I have to pull that out, then tow the truck with my ATV or Jeep to the storage spot on the other side of the house.
I've not got my issue narrowed down to a timing one. It was skipping, running rough, and hard to start. The truck would not even fire on ether. The gas was good (over half a tank of new gas that morning). So right now I'm going to be shopping for a new condenser, points set, and plug wires to get that set. If that's not the issue, then it's to the carburetor, but it was professionally rebuilt five years ago so I don't see how that could be the issue.
So we'll see....for the winter, it's parked, and hopefully in spring we will be up and running yet again.
Now to the pictures from Manchester.
Milford Truck
MFD Engine 6
Old MFD Ahrens-Fox 1924
MFD E-10, a 1949 Mack, which Hose 4 used to run with at Weston Street
E-10 again. Such a pretty truck
and now for a parting image from parade season 2009
Two Old Friends Meet Again MFD Engine 10 and MFD Hose 4
I will mention, that after seeing E-10 all dressed up in the Manchester style, I have decided that when I do my restore on the truck, it will be restored to it's original Manchester looks from several of the older pictures I have. I would like it to look much like E-10 and E-6 look in the pictures above! Sometime in the future!