Wednesday, January 7, 2009

What a Fall and Winter!

Hello Readers!

Sorry it's been a while since I've been posting, but there have been a few issues to keep me away lately. In October I was rushed to the hospital for acute appendicitis, and I was placed on work restriction for nine weeks following not only did I not make any money, I was unable to put any time into the truck....add that to a very soggy fall and a horrible winter so far, and I think things are self explanatory.

I don't know if any of you heard but NH (and New England in general) was hit with the worst ice storm in the history of the area on December 11th and 12th. There were lots of trees down, and unending power outages. (I had no power for five days, and I feel lucky since some went without for 12-15 days!) Fortunately, the truck was spared any damage from falling trees......not a single branch brushed her.....and I'm glad she's not parked at my new house because where she would have gone was full of a rather large tree limb when I woke up...not something I would want to find smashed into the body of the truck!

Well, hopefully this will be the year, finally. Now that the engine is 90% disassembled all we have to do is tear it out and toss in the new one.....hopefully as soon as the ground is dry from spring it'll get done and be back on the road once again!

Stay tuned folks, 2009 is gonna be a great year!

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